Tuesday, 31 August 2010

How to Start With Penny Stocks

Penny stocks are not a “get rich quick “ scheme, true some people do make a substantial profit or even a fortune but many more lose everything they invested. The trouble is that when the winners make their money on penny stocks they then see another way to “monazite it” by selling all or part of the information they used to the general public to make even more money. The trouble is that just because something worked once that doesn’t mean it will work again, even if they give away all their secrets.

Many people who have bought these “easy way to make a million” books have invested their savings into penny stocks only to lose everything.

There is of course profit to be made if you can find a winner; some penny stocks have risen from just a few cents to tens of dollars in a very shot space of time. But many more have either stayed roughly where they were or faded away to nothing taking the shareholders money with them.

Although as a beginner it is important to take advice and read all you can on penny stocks you should not allow yourself to be pushed into a direction that your instinct tells you is not right for you. Whoever you take advice from whether it is your financial consultant or a friend who has themselves traded in penny stocks you should always take the advice you are given and do a little extra research yourself before you make a final decision.

They financial press, whether printed or online are a great source of free information on penny stocks and are a great tool if you are just starting up and do not have a lot of money to spend. There is a lot of irrelevant stuff that you will have to wade through at first, sites that give you small bits of information while just trying to sell you there penny stocks ebook or course, but there are also many useful ones as well.

Once you have found some good sites and publications that provide useful tips and information be careful that you don’t lose them again. Especially with websites, when you have found a good penny stocks site, always bookmark it even if you think you will remember where it is, this will save you a great deal of time that could be better, and more profitably spent in research.

Once your research is going well you should do some “ test trades” where you do all the work exactly as if you are going to start buying your first penny stocks. Take the advice do more research and make your decision, in fact do everything except actually buying the shares! This will let you see how they would have performed without risking any of your own money.

When you have done several successful “test trades and have come out on top, at least overall, then you should be confident enough to start trading in penny stocks for real. This greatly lessens the risk of “losing your shirt” through lack of knowledge, and gives you more of a chance of a successful start to you penny stocks trading career.

Penny Stock Author: Jarred Scott

Web Site: http:// www.penny-stock-secrets.com

Penny Stock Secrets Revealed E-Book

Friday, 27 August 2010

Do you really believe that your dreams will come true?

Last Monday, I was enjoying lunch with a friend. She
has some awesome dreams, about creating her own
special style of jewelry. She has taken some pretty
major steps in her life to make it come true….

She left her fulltime job so she can go to study jewelry
design. She did that without having any job to go to, or
even without having been accepted into the course.

It takes real "guts" to be able to follow your dream, and
to make it happen. But it all starts with a dream...

If you’re having trouble finding your dream, or finding
the courage to take that first step, then you should
check out my latest video (it’s free).

Find it here:
>> Achieve Your Goals

What is "guts"? Well to me, it’s the right mindset,
believing and knowing that you can do anything you
put your mind too.

Sure you'll always have those doubting moments, but
deep in your heart and mind, you just *know* that
you’ll make it happen - no matter what it takes.

You may be thinking that you don't have what it takes?
Well let me tell you, you DO! I don't care who you are
or what your circumstances are, it’s in you. All you
have to do is find the way to bring it out…

I didn't always have it. It took a major life-changing
event for me to find it.

Since then I have learned that there are much easier
ways to discover that inner strength. And the absolute

*easiest* is through changing your subconscious beliefs.

Why don't you take your first step today - check out the
brand new video that I made to help you find that
“inner courage” that I know you have. Check it out

>> Achieve Your Goals



>> Free Video

Friday, 20 August 2010

Info Product Killer Review

Fat Walmart guy and his ferrari
This guy just bought a Ferrari!

See the video...

==> http://www.infoproductkiller.com

2 Years ago he was stacking shelves
in Walmart for $9.52 an hour

His new **updated** system has been
sending shockwaves around the forums...


He's already mentoring over 3197 active
students and is about to open the doors again.

His incredible new "inner circle" tatctics
have been blasting 100% newbies to 6 figure
monthly incomes.

What if I told you to STOP working day and night
on SEO, PPC, article writing, blog posting...

And all the other expensive, time wasting and
boring stuff...

Would you think I'd gone mad?

An internet virgin gets on Google for f.ree and
earns himself on average $112,279 dollars per month
to be exact.

He is so kick-a** good at this he can do it
for both Amazon ($42,175 p/m) and info
products ($70,104 p/m)

See the proof here:

==> http://www.infoproductkiller.com

The mad thing is this...

One of his students from September 2009 is
making more than him!

His student, well she...

- DIDN'T know the slightest thing about the internet
- DIDN'T know what a web browser was, let alone a website
- DIDN'T know what HTML was
- DIDN'T know what FTP was (method to upload files to the internet)
- DIDN'T believe people could click a mouse button and make money
- DIDN'T believe people would buy 'stuff' off the internet

Another word of caution ... he didn't even spend a penny
on traffic to bank that money either.

To get the full story, you must see this shocking video...

==> http://www.infoproductkiller.com



PS, he really is fat and greying BUT he bought a Ferrari
watch the video here:

==> http://www.infoproductkiller.com

Resistance is Useless Review: The Art of Business Persuasion


"...This is a true book of inspiration…Compelling and fun to read …" (PS Advisor, 1 April 2003)

Product Description

This book will show you how anyone can be persuaded to do anything.
Geoff Burch has written a book that will change almost everything you ever believed about business and selling. Combining the quick wit of a stand up comedian with the serious thoughtfulness of a psychoanalyst, he explains the value and power of persuasion – a verbal martial art that, if used correctly will always give you the outcome you desire in your business dealings.
Resistance is Useless will show you how to:
∗ Change anyone′s opinion on any subject.
∗ Transform a lynch mob into your most devout supporters.
∗ Avoid wasting thousands of pounds on customer care while your accounts department is threatening to pulp your customer′s fingers with a hammer.
∗ Understand how a perfect product demonstration can get you hurled into the street by security.
∗ Sell tanks to Genghis khan.
Readership: General Business, customer service and sales.

From the Inside Flap

This book will show you how anyone can be persuaded to do anything.

Geoff Burch has written a book that will change almost everything you ever believed about business and selling. Combining the quick wit of a stand–up comedian with the serious thoughtfulness of a psychoanalyst, he explains the value and power of persuasion a verbal martial art that, if used correctly will always give you the outcome you desire in your business dealings.

Resistance is Useless will show you how to:

  • Change anyone’s opinion on any subject.
  • Transform a lynch mob into your most devout supporters.
  • Avoid wasting thousands of pounds on customer care while your accounts department is threatening to pulp your customer’s fingers with a hammer.
  • Understand how a perfect product demonstration can get you hurled into the street by security.
  • Sell tanks to Genghis Khan.

From the Back Cover

his unconventional approach is winning fans at companies both large and small. FINANCIAL MAIL ON SUNDAY

an essential simple message with a lot of entertainment most of us can pick up a sneaky trick or two. THE DAILY TELEGRAPH

anyone can benefit from Geoff Burch’s wisdom and experience. And the excellent examples, lively humour and quick wit make the book a first rate read. THE CITIZEN


"...waspish, funny, and often downright vicious, exposé of everything from marketing to process re–engineering..." – MANAGER

" wrapped up in the light–hearted anecdotes and slightly mischievous style are many words of wisdom " – CITY TO CITIES

sets out to debunk myths, strip business of what he calls ‘Third Way’ speak and make it simple. THE BUSINESS FT WEEKEND MAGAZINE

About the Author

Geoff Burch is the bad boy of business. His speeches around the world never fail to provoke weak–minded management and inspire change leaders. His credentials are impressive having worked with numerous blue chip companies to present, motivate, and train. He is the author of the best–selling Writing on the Wall and Go it Alone.

Click on the link below for more details =>

Monday, 16 August 2010

Turbo Profit Sniper Review

Software Generates $4,316 In A Single Day

Just over two years ago, my friend Ian was slaving away
in a job he simply hated.

Now he’s raking in $57,000 a month online for less than an hour’s
work a day...

You could say that money is now his slave...

==> http:// www.turboprofitsniper.com

And the best thing is... it's not what you think at all... it's
a totally new and unseen piece of software...


It really doesn’t matter whether you're a total newbie, or a seasoned
online marketer ... this software is a total free traffic revolution that
WILL change the way you make money online forever.

And when you realize exactly how much money you can and WILL be making
when you start getting the kind of traffic Turbo Profit Sniper will
bring you, be prepared to be simply STUNNED...

Now there's only 200 places available and they're been snapped up fast.

And this can’t be a surprise when it is this very unheard of software
that is responsible for earning at least $50,000 every single month.

I urge you to look at this before the video is taken down:

==> http:// www.turboprofitsniper.com

Ian is urging you to completely forget the floored
techniques of yesteryear.

This is NOT:

- Adwords
- Social Media

These are techniques that simply kill your profits and take
an age to manage...

Instead, Turbo Profit Sniper is just so *EASY* to log into
and start making money from, you will find yourself simply laughing
your way to the bank each and every week...

==> http:// www.turboprofitsniper.com

Make sure you grab access to this software now before he slams
the doors shut.

Speak Again Soon,


PS This really is life-changing and very cool. Take a look at the video now:

==> http:// www.turboprofitsniper.com

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Leverage & Risk Involved In Forex Trading

Forex is a short form of Foreign Exchange, a global investment market. This market tops the list when ranked based on the profit. It’s also called as “FX”. It’s more than a Stock Exchange. In Forex with a small amount of capital people earn a lot. This market has recently topped the list of markets considering the turn over a day. Every day about more than two trillion dollars is traded in Forex. It offers enormous profit potential due to its immense size, liquidity, big leverage, low starting capital, currencies moving in strong trend plus and easily accessibility.
Forex is all about currencies. It’s the excellent and attractive market where people around the globe can invest their small amount of capital and profit a lot. Generally people invest in Stock Exchange to earn more money. Forex earns more leverage than Stock Exchange. In Stock Exchange you need more money for big leverage. It’s not the case here. It gives great returns on a small amount of capital investment. Few years before, Forex was cornered by global banking organization, major foreign currency dealers and large institutions. Nowadays it’s open to even small investors around the globe.
Forex is a foreign exchange of five major currencies in the World namely US dollar, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Euro and the Japanese Yen. The leverage is very high in Forex and about 100:1 leverage is possible with a small amount of capital investment i.e. with an investment of $1000; one can leverage about $100,000. This enormous profit influences the people to invest in Forex. For this one should learn how to trade in Forex. The Forex trader should have knowledge about the ongoing in and around the World for his success.
It’s not just easy to always win. Success is not easy. The best way to learn is through successful traders who had been trading in this firm for long years with few or less losing days. Learn Price Driven Forex Trading (PDFT). With PDFT, you use your currency pair and time element for your best leverage and you trade on emotion. The trading time is an important element of Forex trading. As little as one minute of trading can be done with your currency pair. Unless you know the strategy of when to trade, it’s quite obvious that you will never succeed.
How about risks involved in this market? Is it fully profitable? If so, there would be as many as millionaires or billionaires in these days. There is no risk free business. There are several factors that influence the Forex market like political, economical, and social factors. The change in these factors may largely benefit or affect your trade with the fluctuation in the international trade. Your advisor or broker can mislead you. You may lose all your investment due to a wrong trade. It’s advised that you practice and learn through your own mistakes and experience. Have some risk analyzing capability. Additionally Forex trading can be done through internet. It requires more knowledge about security and privacy. If not, there are scammers who can benefit from your investment by tracking your trade.
With the knowledge about how to trade in Forex, one can become a professional Forex trader. It’s all about currency pair and time element. There are lots of Forex software tools available to help you hit and run trades.

Get Your Wife That Car She Wants
Never Worry About Money Again,
This EA Is Grabbing 6 Figures Easy..
==> www. forexoutbreak.com

Thursday, 12 August 2010

The Small Business Start-up Workbook: A Step-by-step Guide to Starting the Business You've Dreamed of Review

Product Description

In this practical and comprehensive workbook, Cheryl Rickman, offers a modern approach to self-employment and business start-up. Packed with real-life case studies and practical exercises, checklists and worksheets, it provides a step-by-step guide to researching and formulating your business ideas, planning the right marketing strategies, and managing a team that will drive your vision forward with you. You'll discover what, with hindsight, well-known entrepreneurs would have done differently, what their biggest mistakes have been and what they've learnt: Dame Anita Roddick, Julie Meyer, Stelios Haji-Ioannou, Simon Woodroffe and others reveal their best and worst decisions and contribute their wisdom and tips for succeeding in business. You'll learn how to: develop, research and plan "the idea"; design and create the right products and services; define and understand your customers and target audience; secure finance and manage cash flow and accounts; create a winning brand and marketing message; gain and retain customers; achieve competitive advantage; plan, create, launch and promote your website; and manage your business and time. This fresh approach to small business start-up also includes information and recommendations on making your business ethical and socially responsible, along with exercises to help build self-confidence and visualize success.

From the Publisher

Dreams, determination and decisiveness = small business success for Cheryl Rickman

The Small Business Start-Up Workbook offers a distinctive approach to small business start-up. Avoiding the traditional business plan mantra and textbook approaches churned out by business school curriculum, The Small Business Start-Up Workbook weaves together real-life case studies and practical exercises, interspersed with expert advice from leading UK entrepreneurs.

Discover what business icons like Dame Anita Roddick, Julie Meyer, Stelios Haji-Ioannou, and Simon Woodroffe would have done differently, what their biggest mistakes have been and what they’ve learnt as they reveal their best and worst decisions and contribute their tips for succeeding in business.

The Small Business Start-Up Workbook prepares you so you know what to expect BEFORE you submit that letter of resignation. It will help you to identify and explore your initial idea, clearly identify your goals, vision, and targets, research, plan, market and sell effectively, and acquire the skills and expertise needed to achieve your goals.

From the Author

If you are considering adding a new vertebrae to the backbone of the nation’s economy by starting your own small business, this handy workbook has been written with you in mind and will provide you with a modern approach to self-employment.

I won’t be alone in teaching you about starting-up in business, You’ll find insider tips and entrepreneurial secrets from leading business people who’ve been interviewed especially for this book, including Anita Roddick and Julie Meyer, Stelios Haji-Ioannou and Simon Woodroffe. Plus, there’s a toolkit of tips, templates, practical exercises, (yes you’ll be getting your hands dirty) checklists, worksheets and case studies to whet your entrepreneurial appetite. You’ll discover how to research and formulate your business idea; how to stay motivated and manage your time-starved life, and how to use competitive intelligence to your advantage.

Rather than plain old business plan know-how and the traditional acumen churned out by the business school curriculum, you’ll uncover the mechanics of success is small business start-up, by learning from successful business leaders, who spill the beans on their worst decisions and mistakes. In essence, this is the nuts and bolts of REAL business start-up, as experienced by real people, who’ve run real businesses.

Click on the link below for all reviews =>

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

99 Businesses to Start at Home: Inspiring Ideas for a New Working Life Review

Product Description

If you ve ever dreamed of not having to make the daily commute into work, or of starting a business yourself, this book is for you. 99 Business To Start At Home lists great business ideas that can easily and successfully be set up from home. As well as covering the practicalities of starting up, this book provides the inspiration and the know-how needed to get the business off the ground; from creative ideas to legal advice for the venture. It is the only UK book to offer dedicated advice to starting a home business, at a time when the amount of home-based businesses is increasing dramatically.

About the Author

Kim Benjamin is a journalist and editor and has contributed to a variety of online and print publications, including the Financial Times, The Telegraph, Marketing Direct, Media Week, Revolution and Business XL, a magazine aimed at entrepreneurs which she helped launch.
Click on the link below for all reviews=>

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Online Casino Expert ‘Breaks the Rules’ and cashes out £20,000 in casino bonuses in a month!

I came across a new site the other day,=> http:// www.onlinecasinocash.co.uk, now as you may know I am very sceptical when it comes to sites that claim to be able to beat roulette or blackjack. But I thought I would read it anyway and see what new piece of rubbish was out, claiming to always beat the house etc.

To my surprise this guy actually admits that it is not possible to beat roulette or blackjack! This was different, I was intrigued and had to find out…

After some persuading I managed to get an interview with the Author Dan Soulsby, I got him on the phone and set about asking what the H*ll this was all about…

So, Dan, what is all the buzz about??

Hi, Well, This is the very first system ever to give you a superb chance of getting a massive tax free wind fall with close to ZERO risk.

That’s a bold statement, but surely you admit yourself that you can't beat a casino?

Yes, you are completely right! ...In the long term, you cannot beat a casino, online or other wise.

What this system does is use withdrawable online casino bonuses to give you an edge over the casino of 80%, once you have played this bonus and used this edge you move on to the next casino and do the same thing all over again if you want!

Dan, this can't be right, casinos would lose loads of money ........wouldn't they??

Think again, there is massive competition among online casinos and they know that the vast majority of people who join will not use optimised (perfect) betting systems for playing the games.

They know that the huge majority will continue to bet at the casino with no bonus, and the casino will make profit even if 1000 people all started doing http:// www.onlinecasinocash.co.uk today.

You can make serious profits AND the casino will make serious profits from all the people happily throwing their money away on slots and random betting without using any bonuses.

You will slip into the casino among the 100's already playing there and play casino games the statistically perfect way giving you an 80% edge over the casino!

This sounds hard, is it?

Nope, you will need to be able to read, write and count. You do not need to know how to play blackjack or roulette, everything is explained in plain English in my unique book.

You will not need to use a calculator, or have any special skills.

You should definitely practice in what the casinos call 'Fun / Practice mode', this is where you can practice games and systems without betting a penny, so you know how easy it is before you start doing it with your bonuses.

What if you have already got all the bonuses from online casinos?

We have found 21 online casinos that are completely trustworthy, large names, who will give you WITHDRAWABLE bonuses if you live in the UK, Europe, Australia or Canada - over £2000 in withdawable bonus, and then over £500 a month.

The withdrawals are also fast, usually 2 - 5 working days.

I hope that clears up some of the questions I have been getting, if you join me today and use system a) then you will have £80 profit in just a few hours (more on this in the book).

If you choose system b) you may not make any money but you certainly will not lose any and you give yourself a great chance of getting £1000's in your bank by next weekend.

It is quite literally Win - Win, the only people who don't win are those betting randomly in the casino... and you will be doing anything but betting randomly.

Ok, Sounds good, any comment’s from buys of the system, I mean this system only came out this month right? Let’s get down to how much people are rinsing the casinos for please.

Ok, no problem, like you say this system has only just been released but, yes the emails are already flooding in, here is a small sample, if that helps.

"...£4116 up and I'm only on my second casino."
Sid Mycock, London, UK

"...made over £1000 tonight..."
Kim Stratton, Derbishire, UK

"...started playing and made £900 in 15 minutes..."
Sammy Miller, Essex, UK

"...best guide I've brought, got to £416 tonight."
Damien Jones, Cardiff, UK

Right, you’ve got me, where do I get hold of this?

Just get on down to~> http:// www.onlinecasinocash.co.uk for more information.